Why should the FDA focus on pragmatic clinical research?

3 June 2024 - Traditional randomised clinical trials have long been a key tool underpinning drug and device development.  ...

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Federal funding for discovery and development of costly HIV drugs was far more than previously estimated

1 May 2023 - In July 2012, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-emtricitabine (Truvada) was approved by the FDA to prevent HIV infection.  ...

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Novartis warns US plan to curb drug prices could hit key research

21 January 2023 - US Government plans to rein in drug prices could discourage work in some of Novartis' most ...

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Ethical considerations for the inclusion of patient reported outcomes in clinical research

17 May 2022 - An international consensus Delphi process was developed according to the Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health ...

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ICER publishes 2022 research protocol for assessing unsupported price increases on prescription drugs

14 April 2022 - Final assessment to be published on 6 December 2022. ...

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EMA launches the Regulatory Science Research Needs initiative

15 December 2021 - For the first time, EMA has issued a list of regulatory science topics that need further research ...

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Competing with, and learning from, China in the global pharmaceutical innovation race

15 November 2021 - President Joe Biden has promoted investment in technology based industries, including the life sciences, as a strategic ...

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How much does it cost to research and develop a new drug? A systematic review and assessment

15 October 2021 - Debate over the viability of the current commercial research and development model is on-going.  ...

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EMA implements new measures to minimise animal testing during medicines development

29 September 2021 - EMA is putting in place special support to developers to replace, reduce and refine animal use for ...

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Canada should negotiate a fairer share of drug R&D costs

23 September 2021 - Instead of relying on price regulation, Canada should engage in negotiations about drug pricing. ...

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House report: drug companies spent more on buybacks, dividends than research

8 July 2021 - House Democrats on Thursday released a report that found that the 14 leading drug companies paid ...

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Cancer researcher David Thomas says more should be done attract big pharma

18 April 2021 - A Garvan Institute cancer researcher says the government needs to attract big pharmaceutical companies to Australia ...

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MHRA pilot seeks evidence of patient involvement in R&D

25 March 2021 - The UK MHRA has begun a pilot project to encourage patient involvement in drug development, asking ...

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Taxpayers fund research and drug companies make a fortune

24 March 2021 - The pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want things to change, but Americans can have both lower prices and innovation. ...

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Remdesivir’s hefty price tag ignores NIH investment in its creation

22 October 2020 - Throughout the Democratic presidential primary, candidates cast a spotlight on the broken U.S. health care system ...

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