Updates to the HTA Policy and Methods Review

10 July 2024 - The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Policy and Methods Review concluded on 4 May 2024. The HTA ...

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Four decades of orphan drugs and priorities for the future

6 July 2024 - The Orphan Drug Act was enacted in the United States in 1983 in response to growing awareness ...

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The rare paediatric disease voucher program creates new treatments. I have new data to prove it.

2 July 2024 - The FDA’s rare paediatric disease priority review voucher program, which has been providing incentives for lifesaving innovations ...

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ICER publishes protocol for annual assessment of drug coverage policies that present barriers to fair access

5 June 2024 - This year’s analysis will include the top ten commercial formularies by covered lives, and include drugs ...

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Annual report highlights progress in science, medicines and health in 2023

30 May 2024 - EMA’s annual report 2023 published today details the Agency’s contributions to public and animal health in the ...

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Clinical benefit and regulatory outcomes of cancer drugs receiving accelerated approval

7 May 2024 - In this cohort study of cancer drugs granted accelerated approval from 2013 to 2017, 41% (19/46) did ...

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Updates to the HTA Policy and Methods Review Reference Committee (15 April 2024)

15 April 2024 - The HTA Review Reference Committee is finalising its report and recommendations to the Australian Government having ...

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HTA review - is today D day?

15 April 2024 - The review is due to be completed by 15 April 2024 (today). ...

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Pharmac initiated lengthy review a waste of valuable time and resources, says Rare Disorders NZ

19 March 2024 - Rare Disorders NZ is very concerned that Pharmac will not extend access to life-saving medicines for ...

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Pharmaceutical reform agreement review report

6 March 2024 - The Department of Health and Aged Care has conducted a review of Pharmaceutical Reform Agreements (PRAs), to ...

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Findings from the Lean review of our drug reimbursement review program

29 February 2024 - Last year, CADTH communicated several improvements to our drug reimbursement review program, including a Lean review ...

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Updates to the HTA review research and analysis papers collection: emerging health technologies

15 February 2024 - The draft paper 'Emerging Health Technologies' developed to support the deliberations of the HTA Review Reference ...

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Updates to the HTA Review: consultation 2 survey

6 February 2024 - Access to the HTA Review Consultation 2 online survey is now available on the Office of ...

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Updates to the HTA Review: options paper for Consultation 2 published

25 January 2024 - The Options paper for Consultation 2 is now available on the Office of Health Technology Assessment consultation ...

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Updates to the HTA Policy and Methods Review Reference Committee (18 January 2024)

18 January 2024 - Communiques for three HTA Review Reference Committee meetings held in December 2023 are now available. ...

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