21 July 2020 - The US FDA Amendments Act of 2007 gave the FDA authority to require a Risk Evaluation and ...
4 April 2019 - Today, the U.S. FDA issued guidance for industry, REMS: FDA’s Application of Statutory Factors in Determining When ...
5 February 2019 - EMA has published today for public consultation its updated scientific advice on the categorisation of antimicrobials. ...
24 January 2019 - In making decisions about whether the benefits of a drug outweighs its risks, there are many ...
18 April 2018 - Harvard Pilgrim will pay less for AstraZeneca plc's asthma drug Symbicort if its members experience worsening symptoms ...
11 January 2018 - The eligibility of a product for inclusion in the scheme will be considered in the Risk Management ...