Bob Katter wants Keytruda added to PBS

North West Star

22 June 2018 - With breast cancer and Hodgkin lymphoma drugs added to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Kennedy MP Bob Katter has asked the Health Minister to add other cancer fighting drugs. 

“If you do not have certain stages of melanoma or Hodgkin’s lymphoma, you still have to pay the exorbitant treatment fees for the drug ‘Keytruda’,” he said. Mr Katter urged Minister Hunt to address the additional cost, so cancer sufferers may have an affordable drug readily available and have more quality time to live.

Mr Katter said survival was of course the ultimate aim of treatment, but progression free survival or slowing down the course of the disease is most important to increasing the quality of life for all cancer patients.

“The benefit of the drug Keytruda is that it works in conjunction with the immune system to fight cancers and has minimal side effects and is only prescribed when chemotherapy is not suitable,” he said.

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Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder