CEADM applauds CADTH's decision to recommend an innovative depression medication for publicly-funded drug plans in Canada


18 February 2020 - Canadians for Equal Access to Depression Medication (CEADM) applauds the CADTH's recent decision recommending that the innovative medication vortioxetine be reimbursed for the treatment of major depressive disorder.

CEADM, a national organisation of physicians, researchers, mental health organizations and persons with lived experience, has been advocating long and hard for listing innovative depression medications on publicly funded drug plans to ensure equitable access for all Canadians living with depression, not just those with private health plans. 

The organisation sees CADTH's decision as a step in the right direction, reversing a long-standing trend to reject applications for these kinds of medicines. (It has been a striking 16 years since CADTH has approved a single innovative medication to treat major depressive disorders.)

Read CEADM press release

Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder