China’s revolutionary cancer drugs undercut American competitors


4 June 2019 - One way to realise Beijing’s dreams of a world-class pharmaceutical industry: low prices.

Western companies last year began selling some of their hottest cancer drugs, called PD-1 inhibitors, with much fanfare in China. But rather than quickly conquering the mainland market, American drugmakers Merck and Bristol-Myers Squibb have found themselves facing a surprising challenge: local competitors. Chinese companies are introducing patented cancer therapies in their home market based on PD-1 inhibitors, which use the body’s immune system to fight tumours. 

They’re doing it at far lower prices—sometimes a third of what U.S. drug makers charge—which will likely give them a leg up at home. And their ambitions go far beyond the mainland, with several already preparing to sell their medicines in the U.S. and worldwide.

Read Bloomberg article

Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder