6 Jul 2018 - PHARMAC is pleased to announce changes to the funding of enzyme replacement therapy used in the treatment of the rare disorder Gaucher disease.
The funded enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) for the treatment of Gaucher disease will change from imiglucerase (Cerezyme), supplied by Sanofi, to taliglucerase alfa (Elelyso), supplied by Pfizer.
Taliglucerase alfa will be funded from 1 August 2018 and will become the only funded ERT for the treatment of Gaucher disease after a 7 month transition period.
Special Authority and Hospital Restrictions will apply to taliglucerase alfa. If approved by the Gaucher Panel, the criteria allow for a higher maximum dose of 30 units/kg every other week (~60 units/kg/month) where clinically appropriate. This may provide additional clinical benefits for some patients.
This decision results from a request for proposals for the supply of a first line ERT for the treatment of Gaucher disease.