Dupilumab in atopic dermatitis: indication of added benefit in adults


1 March 2018 - Significant benefits in terms of symptoms and especially in quality of life/dossier provides meaningful data.

Dupilumab (Dupixent) has been approved since September 2017 for the treatment of adults with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis who may be candidates for systemic therapy. Typical symptoms of this chronic, non-infectious skin disease are rash and severe itching, which can occur in spurts and severely affect the quality of life.

The IQWiG has now examined in an early benefit assessment whether the new active substance offers the patients an advantage over conventional therapies. According to this, the dossier contains meaningful data on the treatment goals that are important for patients, the so-called endpoints. Significant advantages show in the alleviation of symptoms and in particular in the quality of life.

Read IQWiG press release [German]

Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder