Durvalumab in combination with etoposide phosphate and either carboplatin or cisplatin for the first-line treatment of patients with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer


19 February 2025 - NICE has published final evidence-based recommendations on the use of durvalumab (Imfinzi) in combination with etoposide phosphate and either carboplatin or cisplatin for adults with untreated extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer.

Durvalumab, when used with etoposide phosphate and either carboplatin or cisplatin, is recommended as an option for the first-line treatment of adults with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer only if they have an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 0 or 1, and AstraZeneca provides durvalumab according to the commercial arrangement.

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Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder