Express Scripts offers prescription cost relief for newly uninsured Americans

Express Scripts

7 May 2020 - Unprecedented program convenes manufacturers and pharmacies to help millions of Americans access prescription medications at affordable and predictable prices.

Express Scripts today announced a new program to ensure Americans can continue to afford their prescription medications during the COVID-19 pandemic. Any American who loses health care coverage as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic can use Express Scripts Parachute RxSM to secure many of their medications at affordable and predictable prices.

Express Scripts Parachute RxSM offers deep discounts on prescription medications, capping costs at $25 for a 30-day supply of generics, and $75 for a 30-day supply of select brand-name medications for eligible consumers. Express Scripts created the program through its close partnerships with pharmaceutical manufacturers and retail pharmacies across the country.

Read Express Scripts press release  

Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder

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Medicine , US , Affordability , COVID-19