Farewell London, hallo Amsterdam: EMA lowers flag on 24 years in UK


29 January 2019 - Last Friday staff from the European Medicines Agency lowered the 28 flags of EU member states that flew outside the agency’s London offices.

Although the agency doesn’t officially relocate to the Netherlands until early March, the ceremony allowed staff to symbolically say goodbye to their Canary Wharf offices, home to the agency since it was set up in 1995. Guido Rasi, executive director, thanked the UK for having been a “gracious host” to the agency, which regulates drugs that are marketed across Europe. 

The move to Amsterdam, triggered by Brexit, will see hundreds of staff and their families relocate to the Netherlands. It is also expected to lead to the loss of 25% of its nearly 900 strong workforce. Staff will relocate to temporary headquarters in the Dutch capital while a permanent home is completed.

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Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder

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Medicine , Europe , Regulation , Brexit