First anniversary of PRIME – experience so far


22 March 2017 - Registration opens for stakeholder meeting on 19 May 2017.

The EMA is organising a meeting with its stakeholders to review the experience gained with its PRIME (PRIority Medicines) scheme one year after it was launched.

The aim of the meeting is to:

  • receive feedback from users and potential users of the scheme;
  • provide information on how the rules on eligibility have been applied and what types of support applicants have received so far;
  • discuss practical examples that illustrate the benefits of PRIME and how it builds on existing tools.

The meeting will bring together medicine developers who have applied to PRIME as well patients, healthcare professionals, academics, industry representatives and health technology assessment bodies. Representatives of EMA’s scientific committees, which have a key role in the operation of the scheme, will present their perspective.

Read EMA press release

Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder