ICER seeks public comment on proposed methods adaptations for assessments of potential cures and other transformative therapies


6 August 2019 - Proposed adaptations help manage increased uncertainty, capture new value dimensions for appraisal committee voting, and adopt a “shared savings” approach to apportion potential cost offsets between innovators and the US health system.

The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) has released a draft set of proposed adaptations to its value framework to be applied in the assessment of potential cures and other treatments that qualify as “single or short-term transformative therapies,” or SSTs. A broader discussion of these proposals, as well as a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of alternative methods, is available in the companion technical brief. 

While these proposals do not fundamentally alter ICER’s approach to value assessment, they are intended to equip decision makers with a more reliable and transparent evaluation of SSTs’ uncertainty, value, and value-based pricing. The proposed adaptations will complement and build upon ICER’s ongoing update to our 2020 value assessment framework.

Read ICER Announcement

Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder