Implementation of “coverage with evidence development” drug approval strategies found lacking


15 July 2019 - Lessons from early deployments in The Netherlands.

Value in Health announced today the publication of new research from The Netherlands showing important gaps in the deployment of “coverage with evidence development,” a type of pharmaceutical managed entry agreement that gives patients access to treatments while additional evidence is being collected. The report, “Uncertainty and Coverage With Evidence Development: Does Practice Meet Theory?” was published in the July 2019 issue of Value in Health.

Reimbursement decisions concerning pharmaceuticals are subject to uncertainty. Over the years, decision makers have employed a variety of policy measures, called managed entry agreements, to regulate the reimbursement of new, often expensive, healthcare innovations. “Coverage with evidence development” is one type of managed entry agreement that aims to reduce the uncertainty surrounding the (cost) effectiveness of treatments by granting access to these treatments to patients while additional evidence is being collected.

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Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder