Mallinckrodt and Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies announce positive recommendations in Australia for public funding of Uvadex (methoxsalen) for ECP administration with the Therakos Cellex photopheresis system for chronic graft versus host disease in adults

Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals

28 October 2021 - In a dual review process, two independent advisory committees to the Australian Minister for Health recommended reimbursement based on a favourable clinical and cost effectiveness comparison.

Mallinckrodt and Terumo Blood and Cell Technologies announced today that both the MSAC and the PBAC recently recommended that Uvadex (methoxsalen) for extracorporeal administration with the Therakos Cellex Photopheresis System be listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme in Australia for the treatment of steroid dependent, intolerant or resistant chronic graft versus host disease in adults.

Read Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals press release

Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder