Mayzent is granted temporary subsidy


5 February 2020 - The Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency has decided that Mayzent, 0.25 and 2 mg film-coated tablet should be included in the high-cost protection until the ordinary grant application has been tested. 

The temporary subsidy includes patients already treated with Mayzent under license.

Mayzent was approved in the spring of 2019 by the US FDA approval authority for the treatment of adult patients with so-called secondary progressive multiple sclerosis with active disease evidenced by forest or by inflammatory activity seen on magnetic camera images. Mayzent has since been printed on a so-called license in Sweden. In January 2020, Mayzent was approved by the European Medicines Agency EMA and thus the drug could no longer be licensed. The company that markets Mayzent then applied for a subsidy for the drug at TLV.

Read TLV News [Swedish]

Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder