Posted by Michael Wonder on 08 Apr 2023
NICE final draft guidance recommends olaparib for early breast cancer and metastatic prostate cancer following new commercial deals
6 April 2023 - Ground breaking commercial deals for the anti-cancer medicine olaparib have paved the way for hundreds to benefit in final draft guidance published today by NICE that recommends it for some types of early breast cancer and advanced prostate cancer.
The deals negotiated by NHS England and AstraZeneca have enabled NICE to recommend olaparib as a clinically and cost effective option for:
- Adults with HER2 negative, high risk early breast cancer who have inherited faults in their BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, after surgery and chemotherapy
- Adults with previously treated hormone relapsed metastatic prostate cancer who have the same BRCA mutations
Read NICE press release
Posted by:
Michael Wonder