Oncologists knock ICER's lung cancer cost-effectiveness review

Fierce Pharma

20 October 2016 - Ahead of an ICER meeting to review evidence and vote on cost-effectiveness ratings for new medicines for patients with non-small-cell lung cancer, a group of oncologists is airing “serious concerns” about the organisation’s assessment techniques. 

The oncologists have laid out principles that they believe should serve as the “start of a discussion” around building a value framework.

Published on the oncology news platform OBR, the editorial takes issue with a recent ICER report that concluded several medicines for patients with non-small-cell lung cancer would need deep discounts in order to be cost-effective. After reading the report, the docs say they're concerned about “ICER’s ability to interpret clinical evidence and reach conclusions on drug value that are scientific, comprehensive, and unbiased.”

Read Fierce Pharma article

Read OBR Oncology editorial

Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder