Posted by Michael Wonder on 27 Jun 2016
Proposal for sole subsidised supply of progestogen-only long-acting intra-uterine system (Mirena)
27 June 2016 - Following a request for proposals for the supply of a long-acting intra-uterine progestagen, PHARMAC is seeking feedback on a proposal for a sole supply arrangement for the currently funded brand of progestogen (Mirena) through a provisional agreement with Bayer.
In summary, if this proposal is approved:
- Mirena would continue to be listed in the Pharmaceutical Schedule for the currently funded indications, which are:
heavy menstrual bleeding in both the community and hospital settings; and only in the hospital setting, for endometriosis confirmed by laparoscopy.
- Mirena would be the only subsidised long-acting intra-uterine progestogen in the community, and Mirena would have hospital supply status with a 1% discretionary variance limit in DHB hospitals, from 1 August 2016 date until 30 June 2019.
View PHARMAC press release
Posted by:
Michael Wonder