Sandoz restrained from selling MabThera biosimilar in Australia


21 June 2018 - Australia's first biosimilar interlocutory injunction.

Sandoz is unable to sell its rituximab biosimilar (Riximyo) in Australia until at least 19 August 2019, after an order by the Federal Court of Australia made on 12 June.

Sandoz had threatened to supply Riximyo in Australia, having obtained a registration and applying to list Riximyo on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. There was also evidence in the interlocutory hearing that it was likely that Riximyo would be 'a' flagged, meaning that when a doctor prescribes rituximab by reference to the brand name MabThera that the biosimilar product can be dispensed by a pharmacist, unless the doctor indicates on the prescription that it cannot be substituted.

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Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder