7 August 2023 - Vazkepa already commercially available in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland where NICE recommended its reimbursement and use across the NHS in July 2022.
Amarin Corporation today announces that the SMC has accepted Vazkepa (icosapent ethyl) for reimbursement with a Patient Access Scheme for secondary prevention in patients treated with a stable dose of statins, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels >1.04 mmol/L and ≤2.60 mmol/L, raised fasting triglycerides (≥1.7 mmol/L) and with established cardiovascular disease defined as a history of any of the following: acute coronary syndrome such as myocardial infarction or unstable angina needing hospitalisation; coronary or other arterial revascularisation procedures; coronary heart disease; ischaemic stroke; or peripheral arterial disease.