Statement from FDA Commissioner on FDA’s comprehensive new policy approach to facilitating the development of innovative regenerative medicine products to improve human health


16 November 2017 - One of the most promising fields of science is the area of cell-based therapies and their use in regenerative medicine. These new technologies, most of which are in early stages of development, hold transformative promise for patients.

Given this area’s rapid growth, dynamism and complexity, this field has also presented unique challenges to researchers, health care providers and the FDA. We need to provide a clear, efficient pathway for product developers, while making sure that we meet our obligation to help ensure the safety and efficacy of these medical products so that patients can benefit from these novel therapies.

To achieve these goals, today we’re taking steps to advance an innovative framework for how we intend to apply the existing laws and regulations that govern these products. Our aim is to make sure we’re being nimble and creative when it comes to fostering innovation, while taking steps to protect the safety of patients.

Read FDA Commissioner statement

Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder