TLV has decided to change the subsidy status for certain drugs


18 June 2020 - TLV has reviewed the subsidy status for drugs that are included in the Swedish Medicines Agency's established replacement groups where the drugs have different approved uses (indications) and where these areas have different subsidy status.

The purpose of the decisions has been to make it possible to switch to the drug benefits in a correct and optimal way. Another purpose has been to ensure that the benefit restriction is in accordance with the approved indications of the drug.

Due to changes in the Medicines Benefit Act, which came into force on June 2, 2020, TLV saw a need to re-examine the subsidy decision for drugs in exchange groups where the included drugs have different approved indications and where the indications have different subsidy status.

Read TLV News [Swedish]

Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder

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Medicine , Market access , Sweden