Trump promised seniors drug discount cards. They may be illegal.

New York Times

22 October 2020 - A proposal announced by President Trump last month was to send older Americans $200 discount cards to offset prescription costs. It’s not going to happen before the election, and maybe not ever.

A month ago, President Trump surprised much of his own government when he announced in North Carolina that he would soon send $200 discount cards to more than 30 million older Americans to offset the cost of prescription drugs.

The promise set off a scramble among health and budget officials unaware that such a policy was being considered. At first, they rushed to figure out whether such a legally and logistically complicated plan could be delivered in October, as Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, had vowed in an interview the day of the speech. When many questioned its prudence before an election, they then tried to hand off the president’s $8 billion hot potato.

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Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder

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Medicine , US , Affordability , Geriatrics