19 May 2021 - Multiple myeloma patients suffer frequent recurrences, and treatment response rates and response durations plummet along with relapses. The higher the treatment stage, the lower the number of patients who move to the next treatment.
The case in point is Darzalex that demonstrated efficacy and safety in many trials. Although several years have passed since the drug arrived in Korea, its hefty price tag makes it almost impossible for local patients to use it. Darzalex used to cost about scores of millions of won annually
However, the situation has changed since May 1 when the three drug and four drug combination therapies including Darzalex became reimbursable in the first-line and second-line treatment of multiple myeloma. A patient should pay the entire cost of Darzalex and 5% of the rest cost for combinations of other drugs. In the past, a patient had to pay all of them including the existing standard therapy.