What is it going to be, TTO or SG? A direct test of the validity of health state valuation

Health Economics

12 August 2020 - It has been suggested that time trade-off yields more accurate health state valuations, because time trade-off is subject to both upward and downward biases that may cancel out. 

Verifying this claim, however, would require a golden standard to test validity against. In this study, we attempted to provide a first direct test of the validity of health state valuation. 

A total of 119 students completed five time trade-off and standard gamble tasks. Afterwards, their health state valuations elicited with time trade-off and standard gamble were shown to them in an interactive graph. Respondents were asked to indicate which of the methods represented their valuation of a health state best. They could also adjust their valuation.

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Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder