2018 in a nutshell: new edition with facts and graphics from the IQWiG


9 January 2019 - The focus of the 33-page brochure is information, overviews and charts on "Health Technology Assessment (HTA) international"

The Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) regularly presents important aspects of his work in concise texts and illustrations under the title "In a nutshell" - now the fourth issue has been published. Special attention this year will be on forms of international HTA network work: Which international networks exist today and since when? How does quality assurance work in the European network EUnetHTA? And how important are cost- benefit assessments in other countries? It's all about these and many other IQWiG topics.

The brochure can be downloaded online from iqwig.de and ordered as a print version via info@iqwig.de.

Read IQWiG press release [German]

Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder