New cost-effectiveness methods to determine value-based prices for potential cures: what are the options?

Value in Health

12 June 2019 - Evaluating different approaches to assessing the clinical effectiveness and value of potential cures will be essential to arm the policy maker, payer, and manufacturer communities with a platform that can reward innovation while supporting a sustainable health insurance system. 

Potential cures will accentuate concerns about substantial uncertainty in long-term outcomes. They will also focus attention on whether broader elements of value need to be incorporated and whether specific social values have a special place in evaluations of potential cures. In addition, the large magnitudes of potential health gain and cost offsets may require new methods before translation into value-based price recommendations. 

This article analyses the challenges and presents several options to modify the conduct and presentation of cost-effectiveness analyses to ensure they provide policy-relevant assessments of the value of potential cures.

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Michael Wonder

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Michael Wonder