Gatekeeping strategies for avoiding false-positive results in clinical trials with many comparisons

10 October 2017 - Clinical trials characterizing the effects of an experimental therapy rarely have only a single outcome of interest. ...

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Cheaper drug trials would lower prices: FDA chief

15 September 2017 - Decreasing the time and cost it takes to develop a drug would lower drug prices, FDA ...

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What should patients be told about non-inferiority studies?

21 August 2017 - A non-inferiority trial is a study in which a new treatment is compared with an existing, already ...

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A cancer conundrum: too many drug trials, too few patients

12 August 2017 - With the arrival of two revolutionary treatment strategies, immunotherapy and personalised medicine, cancer researchers have found ...

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Evidence for health decision making — beyond randomised, controlled trials

2 August 2017 - A core principle of good public health practice is to base all policy decisions on the highest-quality ...

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Multidimensional evidence generation and FDA regulatory decision making defining and using “real-world” data

13 July 2017 - Evidence linking interventions with health outcomes is the basis for good health care decision making.  ...

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FDA collaborates to promote safety, quality in clinical trials done in India

12 July 2017 - After more than 16 hours of travel, we touch down in Mumbai late in the evening ...

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Emerging use of early health technology assessment in medical product development: a scoping review of the literature

20 June 2017 - Early health technology assessment is increasingly being used to support health economic evidence development during early stages ...

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Regulators in EU, Japan and US take steps to facilitate development of new antibiotics

12 June 2017 - EMA, PMDA and FDA align data requirements and agree on areas of convergence. ...

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Workshop: addressing unmet needs of children with pulmonary arterial hypertension

6 June 2017 - The EMA, the United States FDA and Health Canada are co-organising a workshop to discuss the ...

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The value of using registries to evaluate randomised clinical trial study populations

5 June 2017 - Randomised clinical trials are considered the gold standard of medical research and influence clinical practice, but they ...

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Health policy trials

31 May 2017 - Clinical trials are most commonly associated with drugs and devices, but there are notable examples of trials ...

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Designing clinical trials that accept new arms: an example in metastatic breast cancer

22 May 2017 - The majority of randomised oncology trials are two-arm studies that test the efficacy of new therapies against ...

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How did Vertex win an FDA approval without running a clinical trial?

19 May 2017 - Vertex Pharmaceuticals scored a minor coup this week when the Food and Drug Administration signed off ...

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Clinical trial participants should have a say in new drug pricing

18 May 2017 - People who volunteer to participate in clinical trials of new drugs provide a valuable service to ...

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