The opaque industry secretly inflating prices for prescription drugs

21 June 2024 - Pharmacy benefit managers are driving up drug costs for millions of people, employers and Government. ...

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Being more strategic and coordinated when we collaborate

6 December 2023 - Like other health entities, PHARMAC is busy working on strategies to meet the requirements of the ...

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Application for cystic fibrosis medicine received by PHARMAC

9 July 2021 - PHARMAC is starting its funding assessment process for a new cystic fibrosis medication after receiving an ...

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Inaugural Chief Advisor, Māori appointed to PHARMAC

8 October 2020 - “PHARMAC is committed to upholding the articles of te Tiriti o Waitangi across all areas of ...

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$18.3 billion deal struck to fund Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, improve indigenous health

12 June 2020 - The Morrison government will spend an additional $100 million over the next five years on medication ...

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More affordable medicines for all Australians

 6 February 2019 - The Pharmacy Guild of Australia wants to see more affordable medicines for all Australians, and the ...

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PHARMAC - year in review 2017

8 December 2017 - PHARMAC has published its annual report for the year ended 30 June 2017. ...

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Responses to feedback on PHARMAC's proposed approach to market share procurement of hospital medical devices

19 August 2015 - PHARMAC sought feedback on our proposed approach to market share procurement (MSP) for hospital medical devices in ...

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