FDA outlines plan for digital health technologies for clinical trials

24 March 2023 - The US FDA plans to hold at least one public meeting and release several guidances on digital ...

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Replacing RCTs with real world data for regulatory decision-making: a self-fulfilling prophecy?

2 March 2023 - Real world data are advocated as an alternative approach to randomised clinical trials for closing knowledge gaps ...

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My son’s time is running out due to a rare disease. The FDA needs to add more clinical trial flexibility.

28 February 2023 -  My toddler, Wheeler, will probably not live to adulthood. Juvenile Batten disease — he has the ...

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FDA to require diversity plan for clinical trials

16 February 2023 - US regulatory agency makes ‘big change’ to increase the number of participants from under-represented groups in drug ...

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US Government payer funded trials to address oncology's drug dosing conundrum: a Congressional call to action?

13 February 2023 - Since the mid 20th century, cancer drug development has been guided by the assumption that more is ...

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Use of Clinical Trials Information System becomes mandatory for new clinical trial applications in the EU

31 January 2023 - From 31 January 2023, all initial clinical trial applications in the European Union must be submitted via ...

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Sequential, multiple assignment, randomised trial designs

24 January 2023 - An adaptive intervention is a set of diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic, or engagement strategies that are used in ...

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Conditional power: how likely is trial success?

23 January 2023 - Because of the costs and potential risks to participants, clinical trials should be initiated or continued only ...

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CDER director calls for simplifying clinical trials to boost diversity

10 January 2023 - Encouraging researchers and sponsors to simplify clinical trials and employ a fit for purpose protocol is ...

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Draft guidance document on the collection and analysis of disaggregated data in clinical trials: transparency

16 December 2022 - This guidance will help sponsors interpret amendments to the Food and Drug Regulations (regulations) requiring them ...

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Facilitating decentralised clinical trials in the EU

19 December 2022 - The European Commission, the Heads of Medicines Agencies and the EMA have published recommendations that aim to ...

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Target trial emulation: a framework for causal inference from observational data

12 December 2022 - Quantifying the effect of a treatment on a clinical outcome—causal inference—requires the comparison of outcomes under different ...

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Statistical approaches to establishing bioequivalence

2 December 2022 - Requirements for submitting bioavailability and bioequivalence data in investigational new drugs, new drug applications, abbreviated new drug ...

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Adjustment for baseline characteristics in randomised clinical trials

17 November 2022 - The purpose of randomisation in clinical trials is to ensure that there are no systematic differences between ...

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FDA finalises multiple endpoints guidance

20 October 2022 - The US FDA on Thursday finalised guidance to sponsors on managing multiple outcomes in clinical trials ...

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